Catalogue princess, apprentice seductress
Hiding in her cellophane world in glitter town
Awaiting the prince in his white capri
Dynamic young tarzan courts the bedsit queen
She's playing the actress in this bedroom scene
She's learning her lines from glossy magazines
Stringing all her pearls from her childhood dreams
Auditioning for the leading role on the silver screen
Patience my tinsel angel, patience my perfumed child
One day they really love you, you'll charm them with that smile
But for now its just another Chelsea monday
Chelsea monday
In the city of dreamers...
Drifting with her incense in the labyrinth of london
Playing games with faces in the neon wonderland
Perform to scattered shadows on the shattered cobbled aisles
Would she dare recite soliloquies at the risk of stark applause
To Chelsea monday
She'll pray for endless sundays as she enters saffron sunsets
Conjure phantom lovers from the tattered shreds of dawn
Fulfilled and yet forgotten the st. tropez mirage
Fragrant aphrodisiac, the withered tuberose
Of Chelsea monday
Sweet Chelsea monday
Patience my tinsel angel, patience my perfumed child
One day they really love you, you'll charm them with that smile
But for now its just another Chelsea monday
Sweet Chelsea monday
(Voice:) hello john, did you see the standard about four hours ago?
Fished a young chick out of the old father
Blond hair, blue eyes
She said she wanted to be an actress or something
Nobody knows where she came from, where she was going
Funny thing was she had a smile on her face
She was smiling
What a waste!
Catalogue princess, apprentice seductress
Buried in her cellophane world in glitter town
Of Chelsea monday
Chelsea monday
She was only dreaming
© Marillion
6 comentarios:
Y yo que me estado mirando un rato la foto pensando: cuánto me suena esa chimenea y ese depósito. Pero claro, con mi memoria visual no he sido capaz de darme cuenta.
Está muy bien la foto (todas, en general, me gustan).
PD: Has enlazado a la canción que no era :(
Es comprensible, no todo el mundo es capaz de recordar a la primera las vistas de Chelsea desde la ventana del Annandale Hotel.
PD: Ahora mismo enlazo la canción conrrespondiente, que vaya días que llevo cuando me siento delante del teclado, no doy una... :-(
Que no sea la última composición de Fish que pongas, Bliss. Le recomiendo a tus lectores visitar su web oficial http://www.the-company.com/
(La foto en serio es de Chelsea??? :-O )
Aprovechando que el Pisuerga pasa por Valladolid, ¿no hay o iba a salir un disco o DVD en directo con Fish haciendo todo el "Misplaced Childhood"?
¿Alguien sabe qué tal está o algo?
Imagino que Casdeiro te podrá dar más detalles, pero por lo que he encontrado, salir, ha salido:
Pero no tengo ni idea de qué tal está: acabo de iniciarme en Fish y mi ignorancia al respecto es proverbial :-(
Gracias, no hacía falta que lo buscaras.
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